Recents in Beach

Social Networks Could Be Bad

a lITTle moRE THAN a QUARtER oF alL interneT MOvemEntS RUN BY inDiVidUALs aRE IN infoRMal OrGANiZatiOns, AND mosT Of THAT is oN faceBOOK. In FacT, eveN oUtSidE InTErpErSoNAl ORgaNiZATIOns, TonS of OnLInE actIon ArE EssENtiallY sOcial: THe inClusIoN of written cOMmeNtS, THE EXchange OF coNtEnt AnD, THEReFOrE, THe SEnDiNg of MESSAGes At lEAsT beTwEEN tHEm. SOCiAL NETwoRkS oVerwhelm thE WEB.

FOr eNtReprEnEUrs, ThE mOVemeNT brings ENOrmoUS AdvaNTaGeS, ObviOuSLY. THE use oF FACEboOK aLlOwS YOU TO leGitiMAtELY DisCUSS WiTH bUyers. lInkeDIN EnCoUraGES yOU tO dIScoVEr nEW RepreSeNTatIvEs, suppLiErs, ACComPlIceS, eTC. TwitteR offerS A POWerful CLIEnt MANAGEMeNt dEViCe. MOReoVer, THAT Is All bEFoRE meaNINgfUlLy BelieVINg the beNefItS Of FocUsiNg DEcisiveLY On AdvErTising Or ThE aBIliTY tO ADVAncE YouR arTicLes anD AdMiNiSTrAtions TO A WideR GRoUP Of vIEwErS. WiThout UncErtaiNTy, INfORmAl oRgAnIzATionS hAVE givEn orGANIZAtIOns a mONStRoUS BoosT.

HowEvEr, THerE IS A NeGATive sIdE tO thINgs, no MAtTER hoW PosItIvE wE HOpe THEY ARE. AFtER ALl, One Of THE PrOBLeMS WitH ONLIne NetWORKINg Is THE tIMe it tAkES FOr ORGanizatiONs. IN thE evEnt THat yOUr organIzaTION requiREs A lEGitImaTE AND pREFErReD VIEw of InfOrMal COmmUNitiES, it reqUIReS COnStANt obseRvatIOn AnD cHAnGes in WoRK PRacTIce, reGulaRly the WORk Of ADDITiONAl StAFf. thE BeneFITS Of INformaL COMmunItiES fOr BUsInESs Are OVeRcOME HEre ANd tHEre BY MAnAGEmeNT ProbLeMs tHAT ariSE OncE they staRt UsIng sucH fRamEwOrKs.

BoARd proBlEms, hOwevER, oFteN SUrvIVE. wiTh a CAuTiouS oRganIZaTioN AND prEPArATION, IT iS sPLendiDlY feasiBLE FOR orGaNizAtiONS TO takE AdvANTAgE oF iNfORMAL COmmunITiES In THE MeanTime, exPElLInG THe admINiSTrAtIvE ProBLems tHAt sUCh actIONS GeNEratE.

ThE GEnUine pROBleM with iNfORmaL orGanizAtIonS cAN bE PRoFOUnD anD sIGNIFICANt meNTaL, wHicH AnALYsts ArE JusT beGINNinG to rEveAL. CoNsidERiNg.

iT SeEmS tHAt inFOrMAl CommuNiTiEs havE tHE powEr To PReVENt us from COnsidErIng.

SUrELY, a Part oF sOcIAl BRaIN rEsearch is tHaT ThE INTENSIty of "GRoUP stAnDardS." SOcIAL GaThERiNGs coNsisteNtLY GeNERaLlY cOiNCiDe with A "sTandarD." This PRoviDES StreNgth tO The MEETing, eNCOUrAgES paRTICiPaTIOn ANd MAKES ALL PeoPle coMe TogeTHER To maKe iT MuCH SIMPlER. it ImPLIes tHaT We WIlL gENeRalLY AGRee a LOT, WE oPposE thIs CoNCEpt.

ThERe Is alsO ThE wonDeR Of "gROuP MEeTiNG" BraiN ReseArch In WhICH peOPLe WithiN A MEEtiNg MaKE sURE THEY maintaIN THeir STAndArDS IN ORDer to aVoId PEOpLE Who Are ouT OF their MeeTING. THIS GuarANTeES tHe conTiNuatIon oF SocIAl GathERINgs and AlSo eNSuREs thAT their IndIviduals "StaY oNLine."

SoCial GaTherINGS hAve a gigANtIC powEr OvEr Us IN ThE fOReigN dimEnsioN.

hoWever, NeW ResEarcH sHows THAT sUch mEeTINgs ALso HAvE AnOtHeR ForeIgn pOWEr: tHeY PrEvENt uS fROm FreEly GUEssiNg. duRiNG A CapTivatINg RePOrT, aNAlYsTS at tHE UniversitY oF orEGoN DIsCoVERED ThAT PeopLE iN sOCIal GathErINgS WhO HAve a PrObLEM tO SOlVE will gEnERAllY AgreE wIth A soLUtion, WhIle PeOple WHO dEAL with THE DiffICULtY frEElY wILl GenERALlY CalCUlATE tHEiR OwN ResponSES. At The eNd oF the daY, ONcE we aRE in soCIAl mEETinGS, We wILL GEnErallY ReCOGnize THe generaL rEASoning oF THe MEETINg. iN anY cASe, ONLY witH pRoBLEMS, wE WiLl calcULaTe NeW anD INTeREsTinG IDeas.

ThIS ExAM is hOW "COncEPtUALizaTIOn" rEsEARCH woRkS. They nEED TO dIscOvER ThaT WHen a BusINESs grouP MEEtS duRINg a meetIng, tHeY proDUcE FeWer neW THouGhtS THAN WheN tHey ApProach ThaT grOup to coNsidER thEm SePArAtelY. ThInGs arE WHat THEy ARE, iN tHEIR SOlitAIRe wE eXPECT CoNsIDerABLY More dEEplY anD SYsTEmAtiCaLLy ThAn onCe we aRe DuriNG A MeetINg OF PeOplE.

FoR oRgANizaTioNs, this IS OfTEn a pROblEm FOr what nEedS To bE rETURnED. as MorE and moRe bUsiNESseS ARe Run THrOUgh inFoRmAL orgANIzaTiOnS, we ARe CoMpleTinG more AND mOrE sOCIAL. tHat suGGeSTS That oNCE we need tO cOnsidEr NeW buSiNEss tHoUgHts, WE rELY More On tHe CoNCurrenT REflECtIoNs of oTHeRs WithiN tHE sySTEM, rATHEr tHaN INVentIng oUR OWn rEspoNseS. he PROPoses That AS WE MOVe wIThIN the yEARS tO RetUrn, orgaNIzATIoNs wILl eNd up BeING leSs Able tO ExPLAIN ThINgs iN lIGht oF the VEry faCT ThAt tHere WiLl bE a SmALLER dimENsioN oF LogicaL REAsoNInG.

thIS, UNLIKe THE pRoBleM of MANaGinG yoUR wAstED time, coulD be the REaL proBlEM wE woULd lIkE TO APPEAr wiTH infoRmAL cOmmUniTIEs.

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